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  • CUSD Career Fair on March 24th From 5-7 p.m. at SJHHS.
  • ASB Elections on Wednesday, March 12.
  • SENIORS! Purchase Grad Night Tickets on Canvas Dashboard. Space is Limited!
  • Resume 101 Workshop in College & Career Center on Feb. 25th.
The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

Sofia Bello

Sofia Bello, Arts & Entertainment

Sofia is a senior at San Juan Hills High School and is returning for her fourth and final year here on The Express. She has a strong passion for reading, baking, and could listen to music all day. She loves the color pink, watching sunsets, and spending time with her best friend. In the future she hopes to study criminal psychology and criminal psychology as well as own a fashion line one day. Inside of  school she is a part of NHS, CSF, Creative writing club, and Publishing club. She cannot wait for another year full of new friendships, fun, and spreading the voices of her community. 

All content by Sofia Bello
Adding vibrant touches to the mural, Charlie Vega (11) helps bring The Vault to life, SJHHS’s new student art gallery. The former shipping container will officially open during lunch on Friday, January 31. This creative space aims to showcase student talent while fostering a stronger sense of community.

Grand Opening of “The Vault” On Campus

Sofia Bello, Arts & Entertainment Editor
January 18, 2025
At the Future Stallion night for cheer and song, Ava Alaniz (9) spends time with a little stallion during their dinner break before performing at the football game.

Stallion Round-Up 10/21-11/4

Sofia Bello, Arts & Entertainment Editor
November 3, 2024
Lined up on the plate, Hudson Doss (11) is ready to swing. The boys baseball program held a world series baseball event and played against one another. Ultimately, ‘Team Kessler’ won the World Series title for the year.

[Photo] The Stallion World Series

Brielle Lee, Staff member
October 31, 2024
Sofia Bello

[Photo] Sofia Bello

September 9, 2021
Elliott Ruvalcaba

[Photo] Elliott Ruvalcaba

September 4, 2024
Sophia Roldan

[Photo] Sophia Roldan

September 4, 2024
 Winning Clash of The Classes Kennedy Canizales (12) and Makenna Reiter (12) are full of enthusiasm as they point to the champion cup that the seniors have won for another year.

Class of 2024 Wins the Clash

Sofia Bello, Photo Editor
April 12, 2024
CTE courses are a way for students to become engaged in their passions and desires for future careers. The College and Career center in the library offers lots of guidance for these pathways.

Building Careers In And After School

Sofia Bello, Photo Editor
February 11, 2024
Mrs. White, Viola Whittaker (11), and Wadsworth, Liam Herd (10), team up to search the ballroom for clues on the murders.

Clue: Murder Becomes the Game

Sofia Bello, Photo Editor
November 11, 2023
 Because of new funding provided by Prop 28, more students like Talyn Hardy (12) have an opportunity to take ceramics classes. After only starting ceramics this year,  Hardy has already had many opportunities to express herself creatively. “I just like that you can make things that are tangible,” said Hardy.

Prop 28 Brings Art Funding

Sofia Bello, Photo Editor
September 22, 2023
 Lisa Gnielinski (11) plays Gertrude the one-feather bird (center), she leads the cast of “Seussical” downstage as they all sing, “Oh, the Thinks You Can Think”. Nathaniel Chin (12) plays the Cat in the Hat (Left).

“Seussical” in Photos

Sofia Bello, Photo Editor
February 5, 2023
Onlookers watch as Marie Curie, portrayed by Allison Piwonka (11), discusses the benefits of the newly discovered element, radium in a press release. The radiation emitted by radium was not known to be dangerous at the time, and many believed that ingesting radium would benefit one's health.

Radium Girls: A Deadly Case

Sofia Bello, Photo Editor
October 20, 2022
SJHHS boasts a clean campus with signature school colors: blue and gold.

Plans for Campus Improvements

Sofia Bello, Staff Writer
April 24, 2022
The team smiles for a photo after their victory against Yucaipa who was ranked #1 in the division at the time.

Girls Water Polo: CIF Final

Sofia Bello, Staff Writer
February 8, 2022
The final day of spirit week meant that it had the biggest event, which ASB accomplished by hosting a “treat table” and giving out churros for every student who wrote a good deed they did, placing it on the Kindness wall. By the end of the day, the wall was covered in hundreds of post-its of all the kind acts of students. It was a great close to a day dedicated to kindness and acceptance.

[Photo] Winter Spirit Week in Photos

Alyssa Morrone, Entertainment Editor
February 3, 2022
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