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  • CUSD Career Fair on March 24th From 5-7 p.m. at SJHHS.
  • ASB Elections on Wednesday, March 12.
  • SENIORS! Purchase Grad Night Tickets on Canvas Dashboard. Space is Limited!
  • Resume 101 Workshop in College & Career Center on Feb. 25th.
The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

Claire Cone

Claire Cone, Staff Writer

Claire is a senior and stoked to be a part of The Express for a second year. She enjoys studying environmental science, spending time at the beach, eating burritos, and making art. She is eager to contribute some political articles this year.

All content by Claire Cone
Senior, Nate Giraud, prepares to host the 2019 Clash of the Classes Pep Rally with Mitchell Hunt (not pictured) in NASA-like astronaut suits.

[Photo] Juniors Win Clash of Classes

Riley Goodfellow, Co Editor-In-Chief
March 26, 2019
The CUSD Board voted 6-1 to approve the new California Healthy Youth Act Comprehensive Sexual Education curriculum for middle schools. One speaker, who opposed the move, felt so strongly that she purchased a carrot, cucumber, and banana to give examples of what children will use to sexually experiment if the new curriculum was adopted.

The Week in Photos #1

Claire Cone, Copy Editor
March 5, 2019
Snow falls on the slopes of Mammoth Mountain as snowboarders and skiers make their way down the mountain.

‘Tis the Skison

Claire Cone, Staff Writer
February 14, 2019
Coexist is a popular word to connect religions in unity and communicate that different beliefs can live side by side in peace.

Spirituality at SJHHS

Claire Cone, Staff Writer
February 7, 2019
Brigham Hill (12) twirls Nicole Baker (12) around as they perform the cha cha.

Winter Formal Pep Rally Slideshow

Claire Cone, Copy Editor
January 24, 2019
Loco for Tacos

Loco for Tacos

Claire Cone, Copy Editor
January 17, 2019
Even though students are encouraged to recycle their water bottles and cans, since China is no longer accepting plastic from the West, the better option is to start using a mental, reusable bottle to store your water. The plastic is sent to a landfill anyway, so there is no profit when one recycles a used bottle.

It’s Time to Bail the Bottle

Claire Cone, Copy Editor
December 13, 2018
Emily Price acts as Marmee in the play, Little Women, accompanied by her colleague, Jo, at the Costa Mesa Playhouse.

Teacher by Day, Actress by Night

Claire Cone, Copy Editor
October 25, 2018
Students in the audience show their spirit by cheering and clapping for the witty hosts.

[Photo] SJHHS Homecoming Week 2017

Kaden Brown, Photo Editor
September 17, 2017
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