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  • Stallion Showcase on Saturday, Feb. 8: Learn about SJHHS's Classes and Programs.
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The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

Will Freeze For Charity

Lily Grainger, Staff Writer September 12, 2014

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Lou Gehrig’s Disease is a terrible and deadly condition. However, up until a couple months ago, there was not much awareness of the disease. The moment the ALS Ice Bucket...

Shedding Light on Mental Illness.

Griffin Orlich, A&E Editor May 30, 2014

It is no secret that mental health is an important part of every person’s life. People who are well balanced mentally are almost always more successful/well adjusted than those who have mental health...

Newport Prom Draft Causes Moral Controversy

Newport Prom Draft Causes Moral Controversy

Alexea Malaletkin, Editorial Editor May 16, 2014

Just when it seemed as though we were getting somewhere in regards to the promotion of gender equality, headlines break with the exposure of a local high school’s controversial prom tradition. A “prom...

Anonymous Apps Pose Major Problems

Anonymous Apps Pose Major Problems

Macy Drew, Staff Writer May 9, 2014

As technology grows in our society and becomes increasingly important in our daily lives, many new applications and developments have been made that introduce a new standard of living. Some new social...

A reporter from CNC reports on the mock crash that took place at SJHHS for the Every 15 Minutes program.

Emotional Mock Car Accident Weakened by Excessive Media

Jenna Clemente, Staff Writer May 2, 2014

While the Every 15 Minutes program raised awareness of the dangers of drinking and driving the presence of so much media at the event distracted from its impact. The two-day event started with a mock...

Adderall Not Good Replacement for Coffee

Adderall Not Good Replacement for Coffee

Tracy Gaylord, [email protected] April 4, 2014

When most students think of drugs, images of couch potatoes, bad grades and low motivation come to mind. But in a strange twist a prescription stimulant, used to treat A.D.H.D., is being used by some...

New Orca Bill: A Splash In the Right Direction

Griffin Orlich, A&E Editor March 28, 2014

New legislation submitted to the California legislature will ban using captive Orcas for performance or entertainment purposes. But will it do any good? The law was introduced by Assembly member Richard...

Couples:  We Don't Want to See it

Couples: We Don’t Want to See it

Kayla Parker-DiScala, Photo Editor March 21, 2014

PDA, Public Display of Affection; most of the time it’s the boys stealing a kiss before class. But sometimes it’s way too much-- the sloppy, disgusting face sucking kind of kiss before class is ridiculous. Small...

Introverts Suffer in the Shadow of Extroverts

Alexea Malaletkin, Editorial Editor March 14, 2014

It’s a basic fact: we can all be classified as either an introvert or an extrovert. However, it is a black and white spectrum that should not impact a student’s academic potential. With educational...

Nation Wide Minimum Wage Increase Will Benefit Those In Need

Griffin Orlich, A&E Editor March 7, 2014

Raising the Federal minimum wage continues to be a strong controversy among American Politicians. Currently starting at $7.25 an hour, some states are taking the initiative in raising the minimum wage...

Photo Illustration by Kayla-Parker DiScala

Simple Ways To Stay Safe In College

Macy Drew, News Editor March 7, 2014

With graduation right around the corner, many of you are getting ready to head off to college and start a new chapter in your life. New school, new campus, new friends, and a new environment. As exciting...

Zero Tolerance Tardy Policy Ignores Legit Excuses

The Express, Editorial Dept. February 25, 2014

While it may reduce the number of tardies overall, the policy doesn't allow for legitimate reasons. What is your most legit reason that was ignored?

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