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  • CUSD Career Fair on March 24th From 5-7 p.m. at SJHHS.
  • ASB Elections on Wednesday, March 12.
  • SENIORS! Purchase Grad Night Tickets on Canvas Dashboard. Space is Limited!
  • Resume 101 Workshop in College & Career Center on Feb. 25th.
The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

As the student population increases, so does the competition to get into a "good" college. As a result, many students turn to unethical strategies such as embellished essays, fabricated extracurriculars, and even fake letters of recommendation in order to get into the college of their dreams.

College Applications: Root of Student Frustrations

Domenica Peloso, Opinion Editor September 11, 2024

As more and more students apply to colleges, and acceptance rates continue to plummet, competition to get into a “good” college is at an all-time high.  UCLA receives over 170,000 college applications...

With political tensions at an all-time high, flags have become a hot-button topic --- especially in classroom settings. A recent demonstration regarding a teacher's Pride and Palestinian flags has made several community members wonder: Are certain flags truly an affront to American values?

Substitute Teacher Removes Pride and Palestinian Flags

Domenica Peloso, Opinion Editor May 24, 2024

When the classroom teacher tore his ACL, a long-term substitute teacher was hired in preparation for his seven week medical leave of absence. On February 27, 2024, after just two weeks in the classroom,...

Dallas Liu as Zuko stands in front of the Fire Nation invasion force.

Avatar Live Action Could Have Been Worse

Alex Alvord, Staff Writer March 22, 2024

In one word, decent. In 15 words, not as bad as I feared, but not the masterpiece I hoped it would be.  There was reason for concern with the original writers leaving the team and disowning the project...

Gen Z's Low Voting Registration Rates

Gen Z’s Low Voting Registration Rates

Rowan Noonan, Staff Writer March 13, 2024

With elections right around the corner low voter registration amongst Gen-Z is increasingly concerning. This needs to change because it is important for the next generation to use their vote for the betterment...

Most of Gen Z would agree that commitment is scarce in most relationships. For this reason, Snapchat has become a hot spot for online dating.

Left on “Opened“: Snapchat Dating Culture

Domenica Peloso, Opinion Editor March 2, 2024

From “could I get your number?” to “what’s your Snap?,” Gen Z is changing the dating scene one picture at a time.  Snapchat, first introduced in 2011, gained popularity for being an app where...

Due to the increase in gun violence, Biden renews his call for gun legislation. The deadly shooting at the Kansas City parade is now the 48th mass shooting to happen this year.

Biden Urges Action on Gun Legislation: Enough is Enough

Sydney Hogancamp, Feature Editor February 17, 2024

It doesn't matter if you're pro-gun or anti-gun. Why you need them or why you don't. There's one thing we all need to agree on: innocent lives continue to be lost because guns keep falling into the wrong...

Rowan Noonan (11) takes a look into the historical novel A Tale of Two Cities. This book is read by students in Honors English II.

Understanding the Classics of California’s English Curriculum

Mylan West, Staff Writer February 9, 2024

Students pave their academic journeys through the classes they choose to enroll in. The English classes they take are impactful on their educational growth, and the main contributor to that growth is the...

Love bombing is a manipulation concept that can be used in any form of a relationship. If you or someone you know experience the dangers of love bombing, call 1.800.799.7233, TTY 1.800.787.3224, or chat National Domestic Violence Hotline at

Love Bombing: Affection Becomes Manipulation

Caoimhin Grothe-Brinton, Staff Writer February 9, 2024

Love bombing is a form of emotional abuse that has become widely recognized on social media. It is an explosive conduct that seems endearing at first but is ultimately manipulation.  The lovebomb phenomenon...

A common phenomenon in today’s technology-dominated society is mass consumerism as a result of influencing. However, oftentimes the fate of these unnecessary purchases is a trip to the landfill. For this reason, before aimlessly purchasing something, one should ask themselves, “do I need this?”

De-Influencing: Not Buying is Trending

Celeste Cariker, Co Editor-in-Chief February 9, 2024

With the natural technological know-how that other generations lack, social media-savvy Generation Z has brought about an entirely new industry: online influencing. Web media production originally appealed...

Class of 2023 seniors enter the Badlands on graduation day, many clad in white robes. While students are no longer segregated by their robe colors at the ceremony, the tradition persists until CUSD can decide on a time when they might be phased out.

Down With The Gown? No Way!

Jason Alvord, Staff Writer January 28, 2024

After 13 years of hard work students prepare to celebrate their achievements with family and friends at graduation. Depending on academic achievement while in highschool, students wear one of two colors...

Students from the class of 2023 enter the Badlands for graduation.

White Robes vs. Blue Robes: An Incomplete Representation

Rowan Noonan, Staff Writer January 28, 2024

For many years at SJHHS there have been two different graduation robes, a blue one and a white one. Over the course of high school students that average a weighted 4.0 GPA or higher receive a white robe...

Each AP course offered at San Juan Hills High School and their AP exam pass rate. As per college board, the following data depicts the national average pass rate of 2021.

AP Classes: The Time to Choose is Now

Vanessa Ortiz, Staff Writer January 26, 2024

Selecting classes is one of the most stressful parts of the second semester. While most students naturally wish to take classes they will find enjoyable, they mustn't overlook the classes that will give...

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