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The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

Battle of Wits

Makayla Thomas, News Editor November 28, 2012

Sharon Spiers, the health and yoga teacher here at San Juan Hills High School, is also the coach for our Academic Decathlon team. She has been coaching for two years and was even on her academic decathlon...

Saddleback Course For Seniors Returning to SJHHS This Spring

Jessica Arzetti, Photo Editor November 28, 2012

Saddleback College is returning to San Juan Hills High School with APSY-140, a class for seniors for college-readiness. They will have the opportunity to take the class this spring semester. “Last year...

No More Benchmark Testing

Olivia Johnson, Art and Graphics November 28, 2012

Benchmark tests, the assessments teachers gave periodically last year, are now nearly a thing of the past. Students may no longer be required to take Benchmark testing this year. Christine Balentine,...

CST Scores Give "Grade Bump" to Students and SJHHS

CST Scores Give “Grade Bump” to Students and SJHHS

Teresa Quintero, Photographer November 5, 2012

SJHHS surpassed both San Clemente and Capo Valley high schools for the first time with our new API score of 846, only 11 points behind Dana Hills -- the next closest to SJHHS. The jump in API scores...

Trustee Area 2 Up for Grabs

Trustee Area 2 Up for Grabs

Brittany Christensen, Editor-in-Chief October 26, 2012

On November 6, voters within the new CUSD Trustee Boundary Areas will decide who will occupy the four seats available on the seven member school board. SJHHS is within Area 2, which covers Ladera Ranch,...

Students Rush Clubs at Lunch

Makayla Thomas, News Editor October 26, 2012

BY MAKAYLA THOMAS NEWS EDITOROn Friday October 19, students around the quad were entertained with an array of clubs. Club Rush was filled with much excitement and students were looking forward to seeing...

Ladera Grants

Brittany Christensen, Editor-in-Chief October 26, 2012

The Ladera Ranch Education Foundation donated over $1,900 to San Juan Hills High School for projects requested by Newspaper, Academic Decathlon and English. “The foundation raises and distributes...

Parking Revenue Not Enough, Valderrama Says

Parking Revenue Not Enough, Valderrama Says

Jessica Arzetti, Photo Editor October 8, 2012

The price set for parking may seem excessive for a high school student, but ASB is using the money from sales of parking passes to pay for activities for students this year. Prices range from $100 a...

New Teachers and New Faces

Agafaye Victorino, Circulation Editor October 8, 2012

While there are freshmen scrambling to adapt to their new world that is SJHHS, teachers are doing the same.Currently, there are five new teachers, one of them being a long-term substitute and four being...

School Marquee Would Provide Information to Students, Parents.

Makayla Thomas, News Editor October 4, 2012

PTSA is now fundraising to provide San Juan Hills with a brand new Marquee. For those who don't know, a marquee is a roof-like projection over the entrance to a theatre, or in this case, on the front...

Prop 30 Threatens To Cut School Year

Jenna Clemente, Editorial Editor September 21, 2012

Governor Jerry Brown proposes a temporary tax increase (Prop 30) that will be voted for on November 6, which could shorten SJHHS school year by 10 days. Prop 30 is the proposition which encourages an...

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