Students in Drama Department Prepare for Multiple Shows this Season

Cooper Aitken

Ewan Herd (12) plays Mr. Darcy in the Stallion Theatre Company’s fall production Pride and Prejudice. Herd is one of the many dedicated thespians involved in multiple shows all at the same time.

Sydney Wolfe, Photo Editor

The Stallion Theatre Company has returned to the stage with multiple productions currently in the works. Many students in theatre are participating in all three of the productions being prepared for the fall and winter season of shows.

The first play is the fall production of Pride and Prejudice which opened on Wednesday night and takes place through the week up to Saturday before Halloween. Pride and Prejudice is the first show of the year and is the first production being held indoors in the theatre in more than a year due to the restrictions created by the pandemic.

“Live performances are back in person at 100% capacity which is extremely exciting. We don’t have to social distance or constantly sanitize everything anymore, but we do have to keep our masks on indoors: cast, crew, and audience included,” said senior Bailey Smolinski. 

Smolinski is one of the many thespians who will be acting in more than one of the productions in the works for the current season. She is in Pride and Prejudice, Metamorphoses, and Legally Blonde, which is three out of the four productions revealed for this year so far. 

Metamorphoses is the Actors Repertory play for this fall. Actor’s repertoire is the highest level of acting class on campus. Legally Blonde is the company’s winter musical for this year and Nine Girls is also set to take the stage this upcoming spring during February and March. Because the preparation for Pride and Prejudice, Metamorphoses, and Legally Blonde are all taking place at the same time, the work behind each show inevitably stacks on top of each other. 

“Being in Pride and Prejudice, Metamorphoses, and Legally Blonde can definitely be stressful at times when combined with school and college apps. Dance and vocal calls for Legally Blonde have me in and out during tech week for Pride and Prejudice. Luckily, rehearsals for Metamorphoses are during the school day, but we are still responsible for memorizing lines and blocking despite our other show schedules,” said Smolinski. 

Preparation such as auditions and set building begin weeks and sometimes even months prior to the actual rehearsals and run-throughs of each show. Undeniably, the production process is extensive and is often overlooked by many who only come to see the end results.

For students actively involved in the theatre company, it may seem impossible at times to stay on track with academics, extracurriculars, and sports on top of theatre. Being actively involved in theatre requires utmost discipline, commitment, and even sacrifices like time for socializing and sleep.

“You can’t procrastinate. I haven’t played video games in 3 weeks, and I have been working on school and rehearsal from 7 a.m. doing homework in the parking lot, all the way through school and rehearsal, then going to bed any time between 10 and 12 due to homework. Your social life is the rehearsal, your academics stay afloat with hard work and perseverance, and your sleep hours shorten,” said senior Ewan Herd.

From the audition process to the rigor of tech week, each and every production is put on with immense hard work and dedication from the cast and crew. The crew comprises numerous positions including set builders, hair and makeup stylists, prop masters, costume designers, all which are typically students.

Beyond discipline and commitment, the shared passion for the performing arts is what inspires many students to continue pursuing their passions, bringing the theatre community together.

“The people inspire me. I love them like they’re my own flesh and blood, and that is something I value over anything else. There will always be disagreements and gossip and drama but that’s what a family does. I would lie down my life for those guys, and I hope at least a few of them would do the same. It sounds dramatic but it is the drama department, so it fits,” said Herd.

Considering the vast amount of work put into each production and the dedication from people involved in the department, the efforts of the theatre company should be highly recognized. To watch Pride and Prejudice, the first production of the year, visit the San Juan Hills Theatre Company website for tickets or to learn more about the drama department.