An Inside Look on the SJHHS Theatre Audition Process
The International Thespian Society (ITS) participates in acting exercises to familiarize newcomers at their audition prep held on August 23rd.
September 5, 2021
On August 24th the SJHHS Theatre Department kicked off the 2021-22 production season with auditions for their fall play Pride and Prejudice. The audition process requires considerable commitment and hard work from student actors. The efforts of these actors are often overlooked, as the majority of the student body will only see the results of this undertaking when they attend the final production.
The process of preparation begins weeks before the auditions themselves, as it is required of all those auditioning to memorize a 1 minute monologue in the style of the play–in this case, a sentimental romantic comedy–for their audition.
The memorization required before auditions is called being “off-book”. After numerous hours spent on memorization and practice, students show up to the theatre for their designated audition slot. There they introduce themselves, or slate, as it is technically termed, and present their monologue. This step is often nerve wracking and takes skill and experience to accomplish, as auditionees are alone on stage, presenting to Cambria Graff, fellow students, and a camera.
Both experienced thespians and newcomers can expect the same audition process, despite what role they aspire to be cast as. According to International Thespian Society president Bailey Moroson, “It is the same process for everyone, you don’t audition for roles, you get called back for roles and then you get casted.”
Approximately ¼ of those who audition receive a call back, and these actors return the following Thursday without anything prepared. There, actors read for characters together, where Grafff manipulates scenes and actors to test chemistry and compatibility. “You are still judged separately from your scene partner, however,” said Moroson.
Call backs, while a determining factor in the casting process, are just a part of the audition process. “You can get in the show if you don’t get called back, but you have a much better chance to get a lead with a callback,” said Moroson, “But even if you get a callback you are not guaranteed to be in the show at all.”
After this, Graff spends hours deliberating the cast list, which was posted August 28th.
While auditions are just the start of the behind-the-scenes efforts the Stallion Theatre Company puts into their finished productions, they are a crucial beginning step. The finished production of Pride and Prejudice will be performed from October 27th-30th.
Missed out on these auditions? Auditions for the winter musical, Legally Blonde, start September 27th! Visit the theatre website or talk to Graff to learn more.