Kira Davis

Kira Davis has lived in the Area 2 district for 15 years with her husband and two children. She has a Bachelors Degree in Theatre from Northwestern College of Iowa.

As the Deputy Managing Editor for RedState, a conservative political blog, Davis is an opinion journalist and writer. She has a podcast, Just Listen to Yourself, and Davis has appeared on Fox News and is a regular guest host at Los Angeles’s KABC radio. In the past, she was also the Executive Director of the Spirit of God Accelerated Education, an after-school Program in Gary, Indiana that offers tutoring and mentoring to students.

Biggest Issue Facing CUSD

“I am a parent who made the choice to send my kids to CUSD. We moved here on purpose because we know that CUSD has potential to be an amazing district. I have been disappointed to see the lack of transparency and accountability, but these can be fixed. It is of more concern that when parents, like me, speak up, we are ignored or shut down. It is time we all get on the same page for the students,” said Davis.

Davis says parent opinion is not considered enough by the school board.

“The biggest issue facing CUSD is that it seems no one is considering students in the decision making process. When parents speak up, they are ignored or told to stop. This has to change,” said Davis.

Top Priorities if Elected

  1. Students
  2. Transparency
  3. Accountability