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  • CUSD Career Fair on March 24th From 5-7 p.m. at SJHHS.
  • ASB Elections on Wednesday, March 12.
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The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

Domenica Peloso

Domenica Peloso, Opinion Editor

Domenica Peloso is a senior at San Juan Hills High School, and a third-year opinion editor for The Express. For this up and coming year, Domenica hopes to uncover the important stories of her diverse community. Outside of The Express, she is President of National Honors Society, ASB Commissioner of Multicultural, and proud leader of the SJHHS Movie Club. In her free time, Domenica enjoys thrifting the most abominable clothing items known to mankind, and watching a variety of media ranging from nonsensical garbage (Love Island) to movies equitable to the original Mona Lisa (Call Me by Your Name, Kill Bill, Howl’s Moving Castle).

All content by Domenica Peloso
Hard at work, AP Biology student Iclia Rodriguez (12) finishes up her Unit five “Drosophila Genetics lab.” Unit five is centered on the study of heredity, and this lab focused on the genetics of fruit flies through an online simulation.

[Photo] A STEM Driven Future

Reese Whitehead, Staff Writer
December 9, 2024
Proudly posing in front of an altar celebrating Hispanic-American icon Jenni Rivera, Diana Vega (10) and Spanish teacher Alvaro Serrano show off their espíritu. In honor of Dia de los Muertos, the Spanish for Spanish Speakers II class made altars celebrating various icons who passed away.

[Photo] Stallion Round-Up 10/21-11/4

Sofia Bello, Arts & Entertainment Editor
November 3, 2024
Included in the NSHSS invitation packet is the infamous "Proud Parent of a Scholar" bumper sticker. This is just another element that adds to the organization's illusion of prestige and exclusivity.

Is NSHSS a Scam?

Domenica Peloso, Opinion Editor
September 21, 2024
Proudly posing after their dynamic performance, pep rally MC’s Chase Walburger (12) and Zack Smith (12) show the student body how to properly RFTB. Smith shocked the crowd after quickly changing into a Mr. Incredible costume in order to reveal the 2024-2025 Homecoming theme: The Incredibles.

Back to School Pep Rally Slideshow

Domenica Peloso, Opinion Editor
September 4, 2024
Posing in her flamboyant, "Rio" inspired costume, dance captain Danica Robertson (12) lights up the stage.

Dance’N’Toon Show

Domenica Peloso, Opinion Editor
February 26, 2024
Proudly holding her YouTube play button, junior Alyssa Darland displays the physical symbol of all her hard work. Darland recieved her play button in 2022 for surpassing 100,000 subscribers.

YouTube Sensation: Alyssa Darland

Domenica Peloso, Opinion Editor
January 26, 2024
Proudly looking through past print editions, Co Editors-In-Chiefs Celeste Cariker (12) and Claire Stafford (11) remark on the various milestones The Express has surpassed in the last thirteen years. “I will say that student journalism is extremely underrepresented right now, and I think that we need a lot more school involvement in it,” said Stafford. Cariker and Stafford plan on reviving The Express’ relevancy this year through more frequent print editions and through social media.

The Express Through Time

Domenica Peloso, Opinion Editor
October 22, 2023
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