New Video Production Set Under Construction


Natalie Varterian, Staff Writer

Stagecraft students of San Juan Hills High School are in progress of making a soundstage for the video production class.

In the past, the video production teacher, Brian Devaney, requested the stagecraft class to build him a partial set. However, it was put together last minute and was beginning to fall apart.

When the performing art got extra funds, they came up with the idea of building a new and improved soundstage. They used the extra finances to buy a bunch of lumber and paint.

“I’m using the stagecraft class this year, in order to teach them how to construct, and how to paint… by applying all the theory their learning with construction on building him a soundstage… which is like a miniature house” said Cambria Beilstein, Theater Arts Director.

The students in stagecraft find are learning a lot from building the set.

“I learned how to build a wall…it’s harder than you think” Kayla Nahirny (11) said.

“I’m hoping my students learn the concepts, learning how to safely use the power tools, and understand basic stage construction” said Beilstein.

The students are also learning teamwork, by collaborating with each other on a group project towards a common goal.

“Their learning how to micromanage each other,  delegate, and problem solve” said Beilstein.

The students have been able to see the product of their work.

“The benefits of this project is learning how to better expand your creativity.  This class teaches you to explore talents you didn’t think you had” said Alyssa Yarak.

With only a few things left to do, the soundstage should be completed in about two weeks.

With Devaney’s students excited about the soundstage, they have been able to bridge the community between the theater and film department.