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  • CUSD Career Fair on March 24th From 5-7 p.m. at SJHHS.
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The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

Gas stations around the nation have experienced casual vandalism as critics of gas prices and president Joe Biden place stickers on gas pumps. A popular sticker used pictures president Biden pointing with the text "I Did That!"

Five Headlines More Important Than High Gas Prices

Jocelyn Serlin, Sports Editor April 18, 2022

Six dollars per gallon. Gas prices are at a record high in Southern California and around the nation. People have taken to social media to discuss their opinion on the rapidly rising price of gas, making...

Life 360 Makes Life Easier

Anna Ho, Staff Writer April 11, 2022

A teen will hear the name “Life 360” and feel one emotion: dread. Word association is a powerful thing, but does the apprehension toward Life 360 go deeper than just preconceived notions? Opponents...

Life360 Leads To Overstep

Cooper Aitken, Staff Writer April 11, 2022

Helicopter parents, while not a new phenomenon, are now far more skilled in the borderline stalking of their children than anyone could have ever foreseen in their worst nightmares. Life360 tries to...

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill  which states that “classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate” for public school students.

Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” Bill is a Step Backwards in History

Sydney Wolfe, Staff Writer April 3, 2022

“We’re going to have a great night tonight. And for you people in Florida, we’re going to have a gay night!  “Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay!” These were the words of openly...

Seniors in American government classrooms operate off of a curriculum which focuses on major events that have helped to shape the modern political world.

What Teachers Sacrifice When They Step into the Classroom

Gabby Laurente, Co-Editor-in-Chief March 13, 2022

In times of political unrest and increasing polarization, a step into the classroom relieves students of their ties to vehement debate and fiery arguments. Inversely, a step into the classroom for teachers...

The Law of Attraction is the belief that the energy you put into the universe is the energy that you will receive back from this. While this practice may at first seem vague, there are some very real benefits of the positivity that lies at the foundation of this belief.

The Law of Attraction: The Practice of Positivity

Anna Ho, Staff Writer March 13, 2022

There is reason to believe that the universe is on your side. In essence, the Law of Attraction is the belief that the energy you put into the universe is the energy that you will receive back. Positive...

As more of the younger generation undergoes medical and cosmetic procedures, the criticism surrounding plastic surgery simultaneously rises. Rushing into scrutiny offers no benefit, advancing hatred rather than understanding.

Plastic Surgery: Let The Criticism Rest

Eva Smedeby, Opinion Editor February 8, 2022

There is this negative stigma surrounding plastic surgery in high school, one that insists all is done based on rash decisions made by young, insecure, and unstable minds. That stereotype is closed...

On June 28, 1970, the first pride parade filled the streets of New York. Now, more than 50 years later, pride parades are just one example of queer visibility our generation has been exposed to. With each coming year, there are more and more resources for LGBTQ youth in America.

Gen Z Is Paving the Way for the Future of LGBTQIA+ Americans

Anna Ho, Staff Writer January 23, 2022

1 in 6 Gen Z individuals is part of the LGBTQ community. And that’s just those who were born before 2003. A Gallup poll conducted in early 2021 has revealed that with each new generation, the percentage...

To ensure that the district is progressing in accordance with the cultural proficiency plan, the district hears quarterly reports at board meetings.

Ethnic Studies Is A Study, Not Part of an Agenda

Sandhya Ganesan, Co-Editor-In-Chief January 20, 2022

As individuals ring in the new year and set plans for their individual lives, the district moves forward with their objectives for improvement as well. Last year ethnic studies curriculums were voted to...

Martin Luther King Jr. waves to the crowd gathered during the March on Washington, where he gave him most famous speech "I Have A Dream".

MLK Day Is Our Day

Cooper Aitken, Staff Writer January 19, 2022

Martin Luther King Jr. is an American hero. In a time where prejudice and inequality ran rampant for generations before him, he led thousands to peacefully demand change. He swayed the minds of millions...

In today's world, with social media taking over, few things are kept behind the scenes. When it comes to helping others, let's leave a little love to the imagination. Not everything needs to be documented.

The Difference Between the Selfless and the Self-Serving

Kaitlyn Kittredge, Staff Editor December 12, 2021

During the holiday season, many individuals have a desire to give back to their community. While it is a great thing that people want to volunteer, the question of it being limited to the holiday season...

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