It’s ironic that a school that includes Fahrenheit 451 in its curriculum censors classroom libraries. Specifically, by targeting LGBTQ-centered books.
Last semester, a queer library on campus was...
In an effort to protect the identity of the following anonymous sources, an unassociated alias was created in place of their real names.
Chocolate boxes, cheesy instagram posts, overpriced roses…it's...
Growing up, I remember watching the prom scene from High School Musical, fantasizing the day I’d be able to get ready for “the night of nights.” Though when it came time for my first Homecoming dance,...
Destruction should not be combatted with more destruction. To bring awareness to today’s climate crisis, two protestors vandalized Vincent Van Gogh's 134 year-old painting “Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers”...
Netflix series Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story has become the third most viewed Netflix series in history. The series retells the story of Jeffrey Dahmer, a cruel murderer and cannibal of 17...
Horror films have been popular for decades, featuring different captivating scenes such as masked serial killers chasing children, groups of friends going to a haunted house in town or the crazy patient...
Generation-Z is being raised in a new dawn of time where a cell phone lives in nearly every American teenager’s pocket. Modern technology provides immediate access to thousands of news sources, something...
It is well known that while student free speech and political actions are well protected, the political speech and actions of teachers are severely restricted. Knowing how contentious an issue of political...
As the school year nears its end, many begin to look for ways to continue learning in the summer. Whether it be motivated by desires to keep the brain active, seeking a fun experience, or boosting one’s...
Content Warning: This article contains subject matter involving suicide and may be triggering for some.
An estimated 49.5 percent of adolescents have dealt with a mental health disorder at some point...
When the topic of wage gap rises to conversation, the initial instinct of some people is to scoff and roll their eyes, but surprise! The wage gap is still very real.
Studies track the wage gap between...
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