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  • CUSD Career Fair on March 24th From 5-7 p.m. at SJHHS.
  • ASB Elections on Wednesday, March 12.
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  • Resume 101 Workshop in College & Career Center on Feb. 25th.
The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

Abhor Child Labor

December 19, 2023

Many Americans live unaware of how deeply child labor institutions are rooted in our economy because child labor laws in the United States give the illusion that it isn’t an issue. Yet, many U.S. companies...

What in the World is Going on With Middle Schoolers?

What in the World is Going on With Middle Schoolers?

Claire Stafford, Co Editor-In-Cheif December 15, 2023

In the three years between elementary and high school, students go through an almost unexplainable change. Innocent students become feral delinquents for that brief period of time, and then return to their...

Illustration by Leanne Corral

Failed Bipartisanship Kills People

December 15, 2023

There have been more mass shootings than days in 2023. Yet, no effective legislative action has been taken against gun violence. Just this year alone, there have been at least 565 mass shootings in...

New Speaker of the House Violates American Values

Celeste Cariker, Co Editor-in-Chief December 6, 2023

Former Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, was recently ousted from his position after his bipartisan budget actions disappointed Republicans. The House was sent into a 21-day voting frenzy in an effort...

 Balls, joysticks, keyboards, and paddles!  There are many ways to engage in fun, but the line is blurry between the primary pastimes of the modern human. This hot debate has more sides than you would think!

Game Vs. Sport: Sporting Games or Gaming Sports?

Alex Alvord, Staff Writer December 6, 2023

Sports and gaming have always been compared. What sports are games? What games are really sports? The Oxford English Dictionary is a good place to start. Two words stand out for the definition of sport,...

It's enough to make you scream. Time changes have profound effects on student's sleep patterns. Is the economic gain worth it?

Daylight Saving Time

Alex Alvord, Staff Writer November 2, 2023

Over seven million Californians, nearly 60% of all voters in 2018, voted to give the legislature the power to end the annual time change known as Daylight Saving Time. How can it be that we are still falling...

This drawing depicts Lola Bunny, Starfire, Tinkerbell, and Harley Quinn, commonly over-sexualized characters in popular culture. Children's entertainment characters are often turned into revealing costumes for Halloween, leading kids to support the immoral actions of halloween costume companies.

Sexualization During Halloween is Scarier than Ghouls

Caoimhin Grothe-Brinton, Staff Writer October 30, 2023

As Halloween creeps up, the overly sexual feminine costume culture during Halloween proves to be even creepier. Women and young girls often struggle with heavy societal objectification, but even more so...

Community members gather in the parking lot at CUSD's Education Center before the board meeting on October 18. The protestors split into two opposing groups, supporting and opposing the parental notification policy that has been adopted in some districts throughout California. Six police cars arrived to monitor and ensure the safety of the crowd throughout the rest of the board meeting.

Political Climate in the School Board Room is Scorching

Celeste Cariker, Co Editor-in-Chief October 29, 2023

Students in the Capistrano Unified School District are currently celebrating the failed enactment of a parental notification policy that would have mandated teachers to report “significant changes in...

Proudly looking through past print editions, Co Editors-In-Chiefs Celeste Cariker (12) and Claire Stafford (11) remark on the various milestones The Express has surpassed in the last thirteen years. “I will say that student journalism is extremely underrepresented right now, and I think that we need a lot more school involvement in it,” said Stafford. Cariker and Stafford plan on reviving The Express’ relevancy this year through more frequent print editions and through social media.

The Express Through Time

Domenica Peloso, Opinion Editor October 22, 2023

It's that time of the year! The Express is officially turning thirteen years old as of this fall.  Thirteen is infamous for being a turning point in many people’s lives. This age is defined as the...

Senior Zakiah (Zuh-key-yuh) Sesay is named after the Quran, and her name translates to the word "pure". "Even though it is rarely pronounced correctly, I love my name and I think it fits me," said Sesay.

Unique Names Should be Embraced, Not Obscured

Domenica Peloso, Opinion Editor October 11, 2023

Ryan, Emma, Liam, Olivia, Jacob. Most of these names likely bring a person or two to mind, as they are some of the most popular names in the last two decades. At San Juan Hills alone, there are currently...

Two hands: one traditionalist, and one pushing for representational change are fighting over the story of Snow White and the cultural significance it holds. One side argues that the original representation of Snow White must be preserved, while the other says that it must be modernized.

A Timeless Classic Reimagined, or Changed Completely?

Alex Alvord, Staff Writer October 2, 2023

The Grimm brothers’s timeless fairy tale, Snow White, is being reimagined again by Disney with more representation and a modern spin, but is it even the same story?  The remake will feature a more...

Campus Supervisors are always ready to lend a helping hand to students. Appreciate supervisors, their hard work often goes unrecognized.

Treat Supervisors Better

Celeste Cariker, Co Editor-in-Chief October 2, 2023

Supervisors are employed to keep students safe, which sometimes means confronting issues students create on campus. However, it should not be their job to put up with back-talk or insults by the student...

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