Anthony Vazquez Wins Hypnotist Show Tickets!

What else did Han shoot that did not first shoot at him?


Chetana Piravi

Stanley’s cousin, Banjo, delivers tickets to winner Anthony Vazquez while Tracy Gaylord of The Express looks on.

Congratulations to Anthony Vazquez for correctly naming some things Han shot at that did NOT shoot at him first! Enjoy the show.

Original question: You might know that Han shot first in the original Cantina Bar scene in Star Wars Episode IV, a New Hope. But do you know some other things Han shot first?

Post your answer as a comment below for a chance at winning free tickets to the Hypnotist Show.

Comments will not be posted until the close of the contest on Wednesday, December 4 at 11:00am.

Two tickets will be delivered to you in your 3rd period class.