Schoolloop is Essential to Student Success

Max Katz, Staff Writer

Stress is a concept very familiar to high school students and most people in general. How one reacts to stress however, is what separates those who are successful from those who are not. 

Some of this extra pressure can be created by school loop through the daunting list of homework assignments or an ugly grade at the beginning of a semester due to a missing assignment or a poor performance on a quiz it shows a student.

While some view this stress as a negative thing, the organization and discipline that school loop brings into our academic lives outweigh any of the extra weight it puts on students.

The sense of urgency that students feel when checking their grades on school loop is extremely insignificant compared to the anxiety that would be caused by not having easy access to all of one’s grades and assignments. 

Not knowing if your grade was slipping in a class, or having to rely on writing down or memorizing your homework assignments in order to know what is going to be due is arguably more stressful than seeing poor grades daily.Thankfully we have school loop in order to keep us on the right path, and the stress of unknown grades is taken away by this website

There is a valid  argument to be made that school loop reinforces the competitive atmosphere that already exists in high school due to the constant evaluation of one’s academic progress. However, school loop is a catalyst for academic success because it exposes us to our grades everyday. The small amount of intensity caused by this, even if it makes one uncomfortable, motivates and drives a person to keep going to achieve their goal in each class.

The sense of urgency that students feel when checking their grades on school loop is extremely insignificant compared to the anxiety that would be caused by not having easy access to all of one’s grades and assignments.

In addition, if the stress of seeing grades everyday is causing problems, one can fix these problems with school loop’s option to hide your grades from your portal, allowing one to check their assignments without the added pressure of being exposed to the letter grade rankings from the school. 

For some, the problem with school loop is less the constant reminder of exactly where one stands academically, and more the daily emails that go directly to one’s parents, showing a display of all current grades in assignments.

“It serves as a good reminder if you have a large amount of zeros because it incentivizes students to get them fixed,” said junior Jack Thompson.

While the emails sent home by school loop alerts parents of zeros and deflated grades, these are relatively insignificant in the long run (even if that’s not how parents react to them). School loop’s contact with parents only benefits students in a way that allows for parents to always know how their children are doing in their academics.

For many students, parents are the ones who can always be counted on for help and support. Therefore, by giving parents access to grades and homework assignments, school loop has created a system that helps students achieve their greatest potential.

It is important to remember that school loop is every student’s friend. 

Above anything else, it is a valuable communication tool between teachers and students and way of giving students access to study materials. Therefore the ways in which school loop makes student’s lives easier outweigh the negative aspects of school loop.