Diversity Honored at Campus Multicultural Week

The event helps clubs fundraise and makes for a fun time.

Max Hooites-Meursing

FOREIGN DANCERS AND DRUMMERS SHARE THEIR CULTURE: African Soul International visited our school on Thursday to share their cultures, dance and music. The performers names were Sista Jewel (founder), Isafa Ddiage (dancer), Solo Soro (drummer), Fiyah (drummer), Anoindfol (acrobat), Kaeka (acrobat). They are from Ivory Coast and throughout the US and their drumming style is called Djembe. This style is used for celebrations.

Dallas Varner, Clubs Editor

Over 50 clubs represented over 50 countries today in the quad for this year’s multicultural fair.

It’s the 8th year that SJHHS has hosted a multicultural fair, where many different countries are featured by clubs. Each club is put in charge of one country, and is responsible to create a stand to inform students of their country and even sell food that originates from the country.

Leading up to the event, ASB organized a host of lunchtime activities like hula dancers, and African drumming acrobats. Flags of foreign nations hung around the school.

Tickets sold tickets for one dollar each and could be used to buy food at the event. The food prices varied from club to club. The money earned at the event goes directly to the clubs.

This year, 57 clubs set up a booth at the quad displaying 57 different colors. There was also mariachi entertainment to entertain the students during lunch.

Multicultural fair is loved by students for more than just making lunch longer, it gives students a chance to see different cultures and eat different food.

“My favorite part of multicultural fair was seeing all the different food and seeing foods that I have never seen before,” said Cameron Blunt (11).

Newspaper sold lava cake for their booth about Montserrat Island, which was partially destroyed by a volcano in 1995 and has one of the lowest per capita GDP’s. Environmental Club sold cookies to honor Trinidad, and the Mysteries of History Club sold pita bread to honor Afghanistan. Many other clubs presented interesting and delicious foods.