Let People Celebrate this Election Because It was a Lot

This image from San Francisco Pride shows many of those severely affected by the impact of the policies of the Trump Administration, such as queer people and BIPOC people.

Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

This image from San Francisco Pride shows many of those severely affected by the impact of the policies of the Trump Administration, such as queer people and BIPOC people.

Isabella Mahar, Opinion Editor

For many liberals, Joe Biden was not their first pick for President. Nor was Kamala Harris for Vice President. That’s completely understandable, however, what isn’t is degrading the celebration of their electoral victory. 

For Queer, BIPOC, women, immigrants, people who rely on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and so many others, this election seemed like life and death. Four more years under the Trump Administration was unimaginable as he continually attempted to assault the rights of these groups and more- most recently through the confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

Safety was in question. Whether it be access to healthcare, legal protections(or lack of), this caused many to worry whether or not they would be protected. 

“As a queer person, this election was very important to me. With this administration’s roll back on LGBTQ+ rights, I was worried about what another four years could bring for people like me. I want to be able to marry who I love and not be discriminated against just for existing,” said a senior, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

This is a life-changing election. This is an election where many couldn’t imagine four more years of injustice. One where people didn’t know if they would make it because basic human decency and rights were up for debate. Where people realized that if the majority voted for Trump, not only would the executive office not respect them, but the majority of voters, which is a terrifying thought. 

As a queer person, this election was very important to me. With this administration’s roll back on LGBTQ+ rights, I was worried about what another four years could bring for people like me. I want to be able to marry who I love and not be discriminated against just for existing,

So when Biden and Harris were elected a sigh of relief was in order, as well as joy. 

“Biden winning meant that this hateful tone towards minorities encouraged by the Trump administration will start to be discouraged again and we can move forward and have a beautifully diverse union. Biden encourages unity, Trump encourages division,” said the source. 

This doesn’t mean that the country can’t criticize Biden and Harris. In fact, we need to, it’s an extremely important part of democracy. It allows voices and thoughts to be heard. 

But they aren’t in office yet, and the man who is, is on his way out. 

It was complicated and messy getting to election day, with many continuing to criticize and hold the candidates accountable which is amazing and so important for democracy. However, there is a difference between holding someone accountable and taking down those who are celebrating the win. 

The moment when Biden was declared President-Elect was like no other. For many, it was a moment where all the confusion and worry dissipated into pure joy. It was a moment when the people realized that they were heard and maybe 2020 wasn’t so bad after all. 

There will be four whole years with Biden and Harris being our President and Vice President, four years to hold them accountable and get heard. But for now let people celebrate because you have no idea how much meaning the election may have held for them.