Feminist’s Problems Need to End


The symbol that represents for feminists everywhere.

Cheris Kramarae defines feminism as,  “the radical notion that women are human beings.” Feminism also is defined as the pursuit of equal rights for all sexes, and advocates with an emphasis on womenś rights in societal, economical, and political arenas.

The attitude towards feminism has been a reoccurring issue in our society, especially today in modern times. Some women still feel they are being cheated out of economic and societal opportunities as well as receiving unequal treatment compared to the treatment men receive.

“The hardest part has been learning how to take myself seriously when the entire world is constantly telling me that femininity is always inferior to masculinity,” said Julia Serano, a supporting feminist.

A main issue for feminists is that some men still believe in their arrogance that women should not surpass men. Reactions such as bad meninism demoralize the feminist movement, which supports equal treatment for all sexes.

For example women face problems regarding equal pay, voting problems, police brutality in prisons, and the government not promising mothers paid leave. These are all valid issues because they should already be in place, and should not be regarded with negativity.

The most obvious gender role derived from physical appearance.

Biologically, men are physically stronger than women which has the potential to push men to participate in activities that involve strength over women. It also the potential to push stereotypes onto men and women. There are exceptions to everything as seen in the many  female and male fitness idols.

However not all men are rock solid and not all women are physically weak, and vice versa. It is perfectly acceptable for both. Yet people cannot seem to understand that, and that is unacceptable. Gender role based stereotypes need to end.

One of the most controversial topics is abortion, and the freedom to choose to undergo one or not. Key word is choose. Women who undergo abortions sometimes meet extreme negativity and discouragement towards their choice instead of support that may be needed.

Society pins pro-choice feminists with a badge labeled: murderer. Pro-choice does not mean ¨pro-abortion¨, it means exactly what it says: choice.  

“I have found out the hard way that the path from victim to victory hinges on word…Choose,” said Tam Hodges, active feminist. It should be a choice, just as Hodges quotes, a woman’s body is her own, and they should have unalienable rights to control what goes on in their own body.

From the origin of our country, equal treatment for all has been the main selling point. Yet today we struggle with giving women an equal pull in society, and with giving feminists the respect they deserve.
Feminism is a movement that should be taken seriously. The problems feminists face should not be as prominent today as they are, especially with all the more threatening issues our country faces at the moment.