Young Singer Writes Her Own COVID-19 Tribute

Courtesy of Jasmine Scott

Scott records herself for her music video “Anxious” at a recording studio in Tustin. “Anxious” can be found on her YouTube page as well as other songs she has created.

Sandhya Ganesan, Opinion Editor

For junior Jasmine Scott, writing music has been her main source of solace during this unprecedented time. She produced a new song entitled “Anxious” in an effort to help people that are struggling. 

“My goal for my music career is to help people. I want to reach people in order to give them someone that is open and able to help. Many people dream of fame and honestly that’s not my focus. I enjoy touching people with my words and voice so my dream is to continue touching people and helping them,” said Scott. Scott has been trying to do exactly that with her new song, which is an extremely fitting song for how the world is feeling at this time. 

Scott has struggled with severe anxiety all throughout life and has had to endure severe panic attacks with no real way to help them. Because of her anxiety, she turned to coping methods, such as song writing.

 “My ability to be able to put my uncontrollable thoughts down on paper and turn them into a song gave me the biggest relief and honestly was the only coping tool that helped me,” said Scott. 

Scott had actually written the song a while back, during a vulnerable time in her life, and decided to release it now, at a time she thought people could benefit from it the most. 

“I held on to it for a while because I didn’t want to ‘expose’ how I was really feeling. I kept that song close to me until I realized that the entire world is feeling anxious. I knew that people needed to hear that song, so I dropped it in hopes that it would show people that they are not alone in this time of uncertainty,” said Scott.  

Although this is Scott’s first song, she has been singing and writing for a while. Her career started at the age 14 with vocal coaches and lessons, and began to take it more seriously when she discovered her true passion for the art. 

Scott has no set process when writing songs, it truly just happens when inspiration hits. However, while lyric writing is a more fluid process, her recording routine has a distinct format. 

“For me, since I am still learning to play the guitar and piano, I normally write lyrics and a melody to a reference track so that when I go into the studio I am able to show the producer an idea of what I want. Then, after the song is complete, I bring it in and the producer will lay a track down. Once the track is complete and I like it, I will go back to playing vocals” said Scott. Laying her vocals is  when she sings her harmonies, runs, the song, and some background. After that, the producer mixes and masters the song, and she is given the final product. 

“The best part of being able to write and make my songs is knowing that every lyric that I write is going to be interpreted many different ways to many people. Not only is it a way for me to get peace, I know that others hear my music and realize that they aren’t alone. Knowing that I help people is the best part and is why I keep writing music,” said Scott. 

Scott writes every lyric for a reason, and that reason is to convey something that is meaningful to her to her listeners and for people to know that they are not alone.

 “I want my listeners to see that there are always going to be struggles but they aren’t alone and sometimes staying positive is all one can do.”  

“Anxious” has a special place in Scott’s heart, and can be applicable to generally everyone during this time. Scott wants her songs in the future to do this as well. 

Scott hopes that through her song people will realize that things get better, and there is always a silver lining.

 “I think positivity is what I strive for and what the world needs. If I am able to help one person through my music then my job is done. I just want to help people, honestly.”