Sean Rhyan: An Athlete to Watch

Sean Rhyan stands among the D building lockers at SJHHS.

Collin Easton, Staff Writer

A talented player has joined the SJHHS football roster this past season. Junior Sean Rhyan, an aspiring professional football player, has been playing on the varsity football team at SJHHS since he first transferred.

Sean has been athletic for most of his life. Since his father is a physiology major, Mr. Rhyan has worked with his son to cultivate his athletic skills.

Rhyan transferred from Capo Valley Christian School this past year. Rhyan chose to transfer after deciding “Capo Valley was too small of a school.” Since then, he has found that the SJHHS campus and atmosphere is a much better fit for him.

Rhyan joined the varsity football and baseball team last year as a sophomore at SJHHS. He helped the team win in last year’s first round of CIF in football, which was SJHHS’s first time advancing throughout that round.

Rhyan recently returned from the U.S. Army Combine in Houston, Texas. The combine is an event where top players from around the country gather to test their abilities through physical activity such as running, jumping, and lifting. Rhyan went into the combine as a Four Star Offensive Linemen. While there, Rhyan became classified as a premier linemen and was awarded for his stellar athletic performance.

College scouts also attended the Combine in search of potential sports team members:”The combine gave me some publicity,” said Rhyan.

Rhyan plans to continue his career as a football player in college and hopes to become a professional athlete. He has already been offered admission to 12 colleges and universities including Stanford.