ASB Tech Boys Bring the Hype


ASB members set up posters for the winter pep rally.

Tatum Federman and Trazer Hazen, Captions and Social Media Editor

The Associated Student Body (ASB) leadership class takes on many roles in bringing the school together with activities. One position in ASB, takes the form of a group of seven guys that are under the radar but bring the hype for the school.

The Express: How long does it take to set up everything for the pep rally?

Cole Bates: Tech gets done usually first, because we do the same thing every time. So it’s pretty quick, we have a routine to it. We have a few guys setting up the projector screens and a few guys programming projectors, but all in all tech gets done first. If we needed to go as fast as possible we would probably only take half an hour.

Elliot Macadam: We have seven guys and we just delegate to everyone. Everyone has their own task they do. We have this one area at the pep rally we set up, but it’s very time consuming. Whereas publicity has to set up the posters, which is more manual labor. Ours is more behind the scenes.

The Express: What is the main job of tech?

Macadam: We always set up speakers during lunchtime activities and make videos for all the pep rallies. This year we are doing “Every 15 Minutes,” which is going to be super fun. It’s a lot of editing.

Bates: You guys mostly see the videos, but a lot of work goes into actually making playlists with clean music which takes a lot of time to do. Not only do we make the videos for the pep rallies, we actually write the lyrics to the songs, and record, produce, and direct the videos. So that is our main job. We play a huge role in clash of the classes, and start working months in advance. I would say we start two months before the pep rally.

The Express: Is it hard keeping track of the equipment?

Bates:  We have a tech closet in room E15M and keep all of our stuff in there. Speakers lights and everything fits in there. We try to keep it as clean as possible, but cords get tangled. Mr. Devaney is turning his closet into a soundproof recording studio. We will be able to use that in the coming years.

The coolest thing about tech is it’s a really specific skill set

— Christian Waizinger

The Express: Do you like being on tech and do you think it is the best ASB crew?

Macadam: It is forsure one of most important because for everything you guys see production wise, it is all done by us. Music, lights, hype, football games, and pep rallies wouldn’t be the same without tech. I like it alot because I like using tech stuff and putting it to action and i know that is how all the other tech guys feel too.

Bates: I would say it’s a very important part of ASB too, just like Elliott said, because it’s all the stuff you see. I also think the actual people in tech are super super fun. It is definitely a team effort.

Christian Waizinger: The coolest thing about tech is it’s a really specific skill set. All the other positions in ASB are based off of enthusiasm and effort, but with tech we have actual tangible influence on the school. The work we put in actually goes onto an instgram, or it actually goes onto website, or it actually goes onto youtube, or actually seen on the sceens of a pep rally. It is a lot of behind the scenes work, but I think it comes through really nicely.

The Express: What is the most stressful thing being on tech?

Macadam: Clash of the classes, forsure. Everyone gets mad at you, because you have to please your entire class. There is always going to be people that disagree. There are requirements we have to meet, and we can’t use some songs because of what they mean. So it’s super hard because we get a lot of hate and it’s heavy on top of school work as well.

Bates: The hardest thing for me is that we all have strong personalities and different ideas and some of the ideas are unrealistic so we can’t do everything we want. We have to compromise. The thing about tech that is different than the other jobs is that it is kind of like math in a sense, weirdly enough. You need to actually have the skill set and knowledge to do tech. There’s a learning curve that needs to occur before you can actually be on tech.

Waizinger: I’ve been on tech three years now. Junior year I took a leadership position. It gets really stressful when it comes to crunch time.