Healthy Foods Benefit the Body and Mind


With how easy it is to order fast food, rather than cook, it is no wonder health problems and obesity prove to be a major concern for America. Unhealthy eating habits have contributed to the obesity epidemic in the United States: about one third of US adults (33.8%) are obese and approximately 17% (12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2-19 years old are obese, according to the President’s councils on fitness, sports, and nutrition.

Even the healthy options at fast food restaurants aren’t as healthy as making a meal with healthier ingredients.

Our bodies need nutrients like Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Vitamins, and Minerals to give us energy and fight off diseases. Eating unhealthy foods that lack these nutrients can cause fatal illnesses.

A common belief is that a no carb diet can help shed pounds, but Carbohydrates are actually a vital nutrient for the human body. Carbohydrates give us energy so removing them from the menu entirely would be detrimental. Foods that contain a good amount of carbohydrates are whole-wheat breads and pastas.

Proteins are critical for the body. Not only are they found in foods, but throughout our bodies as well. There are different types of proteins such as enzyme proteins which help break down food to absorb the nutrients and hormones that regulate your metabolism. Proteins help develop the muscles in our body and make up bones, hair, and nails according to Eat Balanced.  Fish is the perfect food to eat when trying to get a solid amount of proteins. Black beans also have a high amount of proteins which is perfect for vegetarians and vegans.

Fats, also known as lipids, is another term that seems to have a negative connotation when it comes to food. Fats have been known to cause weight gain and high cholesterol, but that depends on which type of fat is being consumed.

Fats like omega-3 fats, however, are important for physical and even emotional health. Healthy fats contain vitamins like vitamins A, D, E, and K according Eat Balanced.

Our body stores fats in order to use them later for energy and they are also crucial for growth development. Salmon contains plenty of omega 3, which can protect your heart and prevent memory loss along with various types of nuts and avocados.

Vitamins and Minerals boost our immune system and support growth and development. Foods with vitamins and minerals are fruits and vegetables. Bananas and sweet potatoes are high in potassium and blueberries contain antioxidants which boost your immune system and fight illnesses.

Although these healthy foods contains elements our bodies need to develop properly and live a long and healthy life, but keep in mind that they must be prepared properly. Also, avoid high calorie sauces, saturated fats, like butter, and processed foods.