Change for Change

Change for Change is a club that has been started by Scott Cole (9), his idea is that each 3rd period receives a can where students can put their change into. All proceeds collected go towards Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen.

Scott Cole started the club “because it’s a good way to help out the community and help other in need also it’s good for college applications”.

He plans on having the club all four years while he attends San Juan Hills. The third period that receives the most donations will get a free donut party. Scott will hold the collation several other times though the year so if your class didn’t win this time, you can next time.

The soup kitchen is located on Magnolia Street in Huntington Beach, their soup kitchen’s slogan is “A guest comes, Christ comes” which sets their hospitality stander high. They serve around 700-900 homeless and needy children, men, and woman every Saturday.

They also proved free of charge medical care, English classes, bags of groceries, clothing and hygiene items to the homeless. Furthermore, for the children, they give craft supplies, backpacks, school supplies, and small college scholarships.

Every donation helps Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen including food, money or just going to volunteer. For more information, check out their website. Scott hopes to make a huge impact with the soup kitchen “It’s a great way to help other, a little change can make a big difference! and thank you for your help!”