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  • Stallion Showcase on Saturday, Feb. 8: Learn about SJHHS's Classes and Programs.
  • Purchase Valentine's Grams in Upper Quad by ASB Store.
  • Invent 2 Prevent: New Program Looses Funding Following Trump's Dismantling of the Department of Education.
  • OC National College Fair on February 16th!
The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

New Active and Expansive Ethnic Studies Course to Rollout in Fall ’25

Alex McNutt, Staff Writer October 2, 2024

Students hoping to broaden their knowledge will have the chance to take a recently developed class, ethnic studies. It is an elective that will be available in fall 2025 and will present students with...

An enormous pyrocumulus cloud formed over the Airport Fire while students in P.E. endured scorching heat on the practice field on Sept. 9. Pyrocumulus clouds occur when hot air from a fire causes moisture in the air to condense, forming a cloud. Sometimes these clouds can create their own weather conditions including lighting.

Airport Fire Rages Through Orange, Riverside County

Claire Stafford, Feature Editor September 24, 2024

The Orange and Riverside County Airport Fire burned over 23,494 acres of land, leaving around 120 homes destroyed and 14 people injured. The fire ignited on Monday, September 9, and is not yet contained. According...

Rowan Noonan (12) places her phone into what students refer to as the “phone jail”. This system students must follow in all their classes is a new mandate put in place by the CAPO Unified School District.

Stricter Cell Phone Policy for the 2024-2025 School Year

Victoria Hernandez, Staff Writer September 23, 2024

Cell phones are an essential tool in today’s society that is used by most people in their daily lives, whether for work, entertainment, socialization, or for school.  However, this will change due to...

PSTA officers Suzie Taylor, Cindy Morrone and Katy Baxter greeted students and parents as they passed through registration days held on August 5 and 6. At the registration event families had the opportunity to join PTSA and support other campus groups.

Week of Welcome Aims to Mellow First Week Jitters

Alex Alvord, Special to The Express August 15, 2024

The excitement of starting a new school year and seeing the friends you haven’t seen over summer is typically squashed during the first week of school as we simultaneously try our best to get back into...

Lizbeth De La Cruz (12) looks forward to attending USC with a full ride scholarship to study Human Biology.

Lizbeth De La Cruz Receives the Angels College Scholarship

Rowan Noonan, Staff Writer May 15, 2024

In pursuit of her dreams, senior Lizbeth De La Cruz received the Angels College Scholarship and a full ride to the University of Southern California, otherwise known as, USC. It was through her undeniable...

Graphic depicts the Mental Health Awareness week that SJHHS will be putting on. The event will be taking place Tuesday April 30th until Friday May 3, hosting various activities everyone is welcome to attend.

Mental Health Awareness Week Inspires Hope and Healing

Sofia Bello, Photo Editor April 26, 2024

With Mental Health Month coming in May, the school is putting on a week full of activities dedicated to spread awareness.  The week starts off with the grand opening of the Wellness Center located...

U.S. History Classes Deploy Surveys for Civic Engagement Project

Bill Kaiser, Adviser April 26, 2024

Students in Mrs. Toler's U.S. History classes are working on a civic engagement semester project and one component is gathering feedback from stakeholders. They have designed surveys to collect information...

A graphical representation of students on a crowed stairway between classes. An added passing period would be needed if the proposed schedule change is accepted.

Possible Bell Schedule Change Could Alter Tutorial

Claire Stafford, Co Editor-in-Chief April 18, 2024

Teachers will vote on a proposed change to the bell schedule for the 2024-25 school year next week.  The proposed schedule would change the tutorial from the way it is now, 25 minutes at the end of...

Guidance Specialist Lynne Bell distributes helpful information at the College and Career Advantage booth at the career fair held at San Juan Hills High School on March 18, 2024.

First District-Wide Career Fair Held at SJHHS

Zaleeya Dhalla, Staff Writer March 22, 2024

The first district-wide CUSD/CCA career fair was hosted at San Juan Hills on Monday, March 18. Partnering with College and Career Advantage, the event aimed to further equip scholars with helpful tools...

In coming years, students may receive number grades rather than percentages or letters.

Anticipatory Changes to the Grading System

Celeste Cariker, Co Editor-in-Chief March 22, 2024

The Capistrano Unified School District will be implementing a reformed grading system that will move away from percentages and zeroes, and  switch to “integer grading” in the coming school years. The...

Newly proposed California Senate bill hopes to reduce harmful algorithms social media contains. This bill is set to have social media companies put limits on users under 18 to make sure children are protected from the negative effects.

Proposed California Legislation Imposes Social Media Restrictions for Youth

Gabriella Bello, A&E Editor February 11, 2024

Without a doubt, social media has become a significant part of modern culture and society. In fact, 90% of people between the ages 13-17 have social media. This could soon be heavily affected by a newly...

Link Leaders pose for a photo in front of the “Campus Tours” sign at the Stallion Showcase on February 3rd. Link Crew volunteers gave tours of the campus to incoming freshmen for the 2024-2025 school year.

Link Crew Returns to SJHHS

Lucy Garibaldi, Staff Writer February 10, 2024

SJHHS’ incoming freshmen program is now nationally accredited. This changes what has been known for the past two years as Stallion Startup, back to Link Crew. In order to be accredited to the official...

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