Marvel has come a long way since their first genre defining hit film, Iron Man. Following its release, Marvel has become bolder and more adventurous with the characters and stories they’re willing to...
SJHHS’s drama program is currently preparing for their newest show: Diversity on Display. The performance will include a variety of monologues, songs, and scenes written by people of color, and performed...
It goes without saying that the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series has played a memorable role in many of our childhoods. This could be partly because Greg Heffley, the main character, is a person that many can...
The Stallion Theatre Company is back in action with musical comedy A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder after facing multiple setbacks at the beginning of the year.
Earlier this year, SJHHS’s...
For the past two years, the theater department has been hard at work to improve the inclusivity within our school community by developing a BIPOC/LGBTQ+ section for their theatre library. Cambria Graff...
Ella Villar, Co-Editor-in-Chief
• February 15, 2021
Ever since the pandemic sunk the Stallion Theater Company's production of Titanic, they seemed to encounter setback after setback.
Their latest production, A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder,...
We have been reading many of the same books in English class for years. Authors like Steinbeck and Salinger have consistently been a large part of many students’ literary education, where any one of...
Nothing is better than seeing yourself on the big screen. For women, seeing themselves as the hero rather than the “damsel in distress” archetype is empowering. However, even if the protagonist is...
Every student knows the torment of being obligated to read a book in school. Whether it’s the annotating students do in between or assignments that follow each chapter, reading school books is seen more...
Eva Smedeby, Arts and Entertainment Editor
• February 2, 2021
With 8.33 million international users and over 1,500 original movies and shows, Netflix has become a worldwide phenomenon. Evidently, Netflix has succeeded in bringing together both local and international...
The Queen’s Gambit is an addictive and dynamic new Netflix limited series, yet it is not without the strange and harmful romanticization of a woman at rock bottom who has fully succumbed to her alcoholism...
Continuing holiday traditions in the midst of a pandemic posed a difficult challenge, but the Theatre department at SJH managed to do a wonderful job by continuing their annual Holiday show in a virtual...
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