District Plans to Reopen Schools in Fall 2021
When campus opened to in-person students in October, class sizes were very small as most students remained online. With new guidelines, more students were able to return to campus for a four day in-person instruction. Plans for next year are taking shape as the district outlines a reopening model for a 100% in-person 2021-2022 school year.
May 3, 2021
As restrictions decline, tiers shift, and vaccines roll out, the district starts to plan for a more normal 2021-2022 school year.
At the April 21 board meeting, the district was able to present the outline of their plans for reopening schools. The scheduled first day of school, August 17, 2021, is planned to be a full-day, traditional in-person model with the traditional bell schedule. There will no longer be cohorts or hybrid schedules, as everyone will be moved to in-person.
The schools will continue to have some restrictions in place following the CDC guidelines at the time, whether that is the continuation of mask-wearing, or social distancing. There will be a reduction of class sizes to ensure some distance between students.
Daily live instruction will resume where there will be in-person instruction five days a week and the bell schedule will go back to the “pre-COVID” bells.
Due to the reopening of schools, more activities and events present in a normal school year will now return. In-person physical education classes, in-person electives, in-person sports, performing arts, clubs, and extracurriculars will all be reinstated.
In addition to more activities, the traditional tutorial after first and second period will return, instead of the 20 minute tutorial time every class period.
Some students have grown accustomed to the online learning environment, since for some it has been almost a year of fully online learning. For those students there are options to remain in an online format, just not through SJHHS.
Instead of an online classroom though San Juan, students have the option to continue online school through either Cal Prep or Capo Virtual. These two schools are completely separate from SJHHS yet are still options through the district. Most importantly, students who choose to attend one of the two online schools have the option of returning to in-person instruction at SJHHS by the end of the semester.
While the plan remains fluid, the district plans on updating families as restrictions open up and guidelines change. The current reopening plan is available on the district website and as the year progresses, more information will be released.