Chromebook Distribution Faces Complications

Photo Courtesy of the Public Domain
Chromebooks are helpful tools, which allow students to be able to complete distance learning much more easily. They were distributed over the course of two days; however, with heavy traffic on the first day it caused many problems such as long lines and not enough chromebooks.
April 16, 2020
With the start of CUSD’s implementation of distance learning, many students who lacked a device to complete work needed to borrow a Chromebook from the district. However, when the day came to distribute the laptops, many problems occurred due to the large amount of requests and the insufficient amount of Chromebooks available.
The original intent was that every family who did not have access to a computer at home would be able to get a Chromebook. Families who wanted a laptop would just need to fill out a survey, and present their student ID at one of the distribution sites.
However, when the distribution day occurred it was riddled with problems. The demand was much higher than what was predicted with the survey results. This led to extremely long lines with heavy traffic, and eventually, not every student getting a Chromebook.
“It was a bad experience because it was extremely crowded. I waited in line for about three hours before finally getting one,” said parent, Leon Vilamil.
“Today’s Chromebook distribution was frustrating for many of you and we completely understand. Demand was much stronger than we anticipated and we are working to develop a plan that provides better access to the school sites and does not create traffic congestion and long lines,” said Chief Communications Officer Ryan Burris in an email to CUSD families on March 24.
The district then had a second distribution day that went much smoother with smaller crowds and more available Chromebooks.
Currently, if a student still needs to get a Chromebook, or if there are multiple students in a home and additional computers are needed, then families must contact their site leader. For additional technology support, parents can call the Parent Support Number at 949-234-5503 on Monday through Friday, 8am to 3pm, or email [email protected] to get support within one business day.