Hornig Takes Over As Interim Principal

Jack O’Connor

Principal Hornig speaks in front of students and their families at the Winter National Letters of Intent signing. Hornig gave advice to future Chapman University football player Parker Whitham (12) and future swimmer for California Polytechnic State University Lauren Gleason (12).

Grace Aitken, Co Editor-in-Chief

The stallion community welcomed a new face onto campus this semester. Tim Hornig replaced Jennifer Smalley as the interim principal in January when Smalley accepted a new position as Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, Elementary Education at the district level.
Hornig has a long background in education. He formerly held the title of Executive Director of Secondary Education in CUSD.
“We supported curriculum, development, instruction, professional learning opportunities for all of the middle and high schools in the district,” said Hornig.
He is excited to be at SJHHS and working as a principal again (he served as the principal of San Dieguito High School Academy in Encinitas.)
“Being a principal in high school to me, is one of the toughest jobs around. Not because I have to do too much, but it’s just a dynamic job with different nuances. But it’s the most rewarding and fun job I’ve ever had because of Battle of the Bands, Newsies, formal, you guys each and every day hanging around, and being a part of the energy that you bring to the campus you want to be at,” said Hornig.

Smalley will work in Curriculum and Instruction for Preschool through fifth grade. She held the position since 2015, and saw SJHHS through many highs and lows during her 4 years as principal.
“The job was posted and emailed to all administrators in CUSD. I have a strong background in elementary reading and literacy and this position provided an opportunity for me to connect student learning into a K-12 lens, so I applied…This was one of the hardest decisions I ever have made as my plan was to stay at SJHHS for much longer and leaving the students and staff was heart-breaking for me,” said Smalley.
Smalley hopes to continue to stay connected to SJHHS throughout the rest of the year, and will come back for graduation and Clash of the Classes.
Hornig is currently the interim principal, and it’s unclear who will take the position full time next semester.
“We will have the opportunity to be proactive in our approach to identify and get that posting out there, then do a recruitment. It will involve students, it will involve parents, it will involve community members giving insight as to what it is that you guys want and what you guys see as valuable. Teachers will obviously give insight,” said Hornig.
During his time here, Hornig wants to support SJHHS students and faculty.
“My goal right now is to support the goals that have been delineated, the annual goals we set at our school sites….[I want to] be a part of those conversations that help a very passionate group of professionals continue working to be the best they can be,” said Hornig.
Hornig is inspired by the passion of SJHHS students, and enjoys working with them everyday.
“This is a school where kids invest in the culture, and that’s reflected in that culture. Each individual hopefully has their place, whether it’s with one friend or 51 friends, whether it’s with a team, or a club, or an organization, or they volunteer at the same spot or they’re two way immersion students, whatever it may be there’s a little bit of something for everybody and I value that greatly,” said Hornig.