Forensic Science
Michael Melo places cards on the floor around evidence while Jamie Lyon takes notes on important factors she sees in the crime scene. Sean Cahill also looks through the crime scene scanning for evidence he can take back to the lab for further research. All of these actions are done in an attempt to find out the murderer of a crime that Mrs. Miyamoto set up.
May 26, 2017
Mrs. Miyamoto has introduced new ways of investigating crime scenes through her forensic science class which is new to SJHHS this year.
In forensic science students are taught how to go through a crime scene the way trained professionals are. They have to act like they are true forensic scientists to really get the feeling of what rules and boundaries are. This way students can learn that it is important to keep the crime scene the way they found it and several other regulations.
In order to correctly elaborate crime scenes, students form groups to investigate scenes that Mrs. Miyamoto constructs herself. Groups focus on different pieces of evidence that can lead to finding out who committed the crime.
“I’ve always liked cop shows and forensic files and it is just interesting to learn more about it,” said Jamie Lyon.
Jamie Lyon took this class to understand how crime scenes work while also getting to explore the different aspects of the job that make a crime scene investigator.
“I wanted to try this out so I can explore the field and see if I like it. This class really sets up a background for college level classes if I want to continue this field,” said Sean Cahill.
Sean Cahill is looking into this field to maybe explore this career path after high school. He is in this class as an introduction to the field. This class provides background for higher level classes that will be taught in college.
Jamie and Sean were involved in collecting data from a scene which Mrs. Miyamoto setup where a person was shot and the person at fault was unknown. By laying trash, bullets, drawing a broken window, putting a dead manikin that is bleeding in a chair, and equipping students with tools that true forensic scientist would own Mrs. Miyamoto ensured that the learning was real and a rich experience.
After picking up pieces of evidence the students ran blood tests and tried to figure out who the murderer was.
“Mrs. Miyamoto really cares about her class bla bla bla quote” said Sean.
Mrs. Miyamoto’s class is always looking for more students to get involved. If a student is interested in any of the topics explored in the class they can make sure to enroll at the beginning of next year.