“The show with hot questions and even hotter wings.”
“Hot Ones,” presented by First We Feast, has grown into a well-known talk show, challenging celebrities to test their spice tolerance through rounds of authentic questions and spicy wings.
Nick Stine, Conceptual Physics teacher and “Hot Ones” enthusiast, will be bringing a taste of the beloved show to SJHHS.
“I’m a huge fanatic of Hot Ones, the show. I love hot sauce. I take it as a challenge,” said Stine.
Stine and former principal, Manoj Mahindrakar, had planned to replicate the show last year, however, filming was canceled due to the news of Mahindrakar’s impending transfer.
“That got killed. But, once this year got into play a little bit I still had that desire to try it,” said Stine.
One notable aspect of “Hot Ones” is the detailed and well-researched “hot questions” the host, Sean Evans, asks his celebrity guests. Each of the 10 wings, lined up in order of intensity on the Scoville scale, is paired with one of Evan’s famous questions. Shine saw this as an exciting opportunity to get to know new SJHHS staff.
Determined to actualize his idea, he contacted Principal Cina Abedzadeh to ask if he’d be interested. With a yes from Abedzadeh and his approval for Stine to contact his wife, Stine gathered niche information to create his “hot” questions.
“[Hot Ones] brings that celebrity down into a real person real quick and that’s what I like to see, ” said Stine.
“I think it’s such a great way to get to know someone when they’re in a stressful situation and [Abedzadeh] does not like heat so he is definitely going to feel the heat…[Hot Ones] brings that celebrity down into a real person real quick and that’s what I like to see” said Stine.
Their “Hot Ones” rendition was filmed with the help of TV Broadcast Journalism and Video Production teacher, Jason Zuidema and a few of Zuidema’s students. The team worked hard to replicate the set for the real show adding an extra level of resemblance.
“We had the three cameras, the black background, the glass of milk,” said Stine.
The video will premiere this Friday (12/6) as its own episode on The Mane Event website. For the sake of time, there will be 5 wings and 5 questions that Stine asks Abezhedah.
Looking into the future, Stine is open to getting more teachers and staff involved.