Get To Know the Future ASB President and Vice President
Photo Courtesy of @lindseyjacob4asb
Lindsey Gattis (11) and Jacob Verde (11) teamed up for their ASB campaign, winning the election together as next year’s ASB Vice President and President.
April 12, 2022
In the last couple of weeks, eligible candidates have been working hard to win the votes of fellow students, hoping to take on an ASB leadership role. After a long week of campaigning for ASB positions, the votes are in. Introducing the 2022-2023 ASB Vice President and President: Jacob Verde and Lindsey Gattis.
Jacob Verde is currently a junior at SJHHS and has been a part of ASB since his freshman year. On campus, Verde is involved with several programs, including Stallion Start-Up, NHS, and a variety of different clubs. Outside of school, Verde enjoys hanging out with friends and training in karate.
Something that makes Verde unique is the amount of spirit he brings to school events. Verde can almost always be found in the stands at sports games, hyping up the student section and cheering on our team.
“I’m most excited for the football games next year because I really enjoyed hyping up the students and the incoming seniors have a lot of spirit, so it will be a great season. Our school spirit is the best in OC, so get ready for an amazing year,” said Verde.
Lindsey Gattis is a junior at SJHHS and is excited to continue her experience in ASB next year as ASB president. Not only was Gattis ASB president in middle school, she was also Freshman Class President and Pep Commissioner her sophomore and junior years. Gattis has been on the surf team for three years, and enjoys going to the beach and hanging out with her friends outside of school.
“The main reason I wanted to be ASB President is because I am passionate about making school a place where every student can say that they enjoy and have a place in. I felt confident that my past experiences in ASB would allow me to be able to lead our student body and ASB in planning and executing fun events for all students to enjoy. In my 3 years of ASB here at San Juan, I have watched and learned from our previous Presidents and their methods and ways of leading. I feel like I am ready to take on this role, and I am so excited for our next school year,” said Gattis.
Gattis is looking forward to creating a fun and safe environment for students next year and wants to ensure that all student voices are heard.
“I have been working hard throughout my high school career, along with the rest of ASB, to create a positive environment on our campus, and I am so excited to continue this as President. I love hearing everyone’s ideas, and I would like my fellow stallions to know that if they have any wants or desires in any event on campus to please come to me and I will make sure we are working hard to implement them,” said Gattis.
With Verde and Gattis as the ASB leaders, the 2022-2023 school year is projected to be full of school spirit and positivity. These students are a great example of what it means to “Ride for the Brand”, and they will undoubtedly continue implementing this ideology next year.