Holidays at SJHHS
Principal Smalley helps prepare Christmas cards with the Young Republicans Club for the Marines at Camp Pendleton. Photo by Ethan Clarke
December 9, 2016
The holiday season has approached and students at SJHHS are already spreading their holiday spirit.
ROP Graphic Design is spreading holiday cheer by making personalized Christmas greeting cards. The Young Republicans Club is creating Christmas cards for Marines, and the Interact club is helping out misfortunate kids.
The ROP Graphic Design class, taught by Mr. Carlson, is making their own Christmas cards this year.
“We have been learning to use bitmap, which is an important photoshop skill, and combining it to make free hand drawing skills, while utilizing 3D effects to make our cards,” said design student, Alexis Bennett.
These holiday cards are allowing to students to combine different design skills and apply them to one assignment. Students even have the option to print out their personal holiday design on t-shirts as well.
The Young Republicans Club is also spreading Christmas cheer by making cards for Marines stationed at Camp Pendleton.
“Cards will be sent by Operation Help a Hero” said Club President Alyssa Mitchell. Once the cards have been made by the club members, they will be sent to a representative at Operation Help a Hero in Rancho Santa Margarita, who will then distribute the cards to the Marines.
Mitchell said she hopes for each member to make at least three cards during their club meeting at lunch.
The Interact club is is doing a “Santa Visit” at Marco Forster Middle School. According to Lea Alcantara it is “a holiday event for local misfortunate children who can’t afford Christmas present or celebrations”.
Interact club plans on taking 40 students and are also helping decorate the Rose Parade Floats in Pasadena for the New Year.
Happy Holidays Stallions!