Club Rush 2018 Exemplifies Student Diversity
Macey Leonard and Jade Hernandez, presidents of the Play 4 the Cure club, aim to raise money and awareness for cancer research. Their club meets in room E06 on the second Tuesday of every month.
October 25, 2018
Club Rush can be overwhelming and intense when students are presented with many options for clubs to be involved in.
Nicole Haghani is this year’s Club Commissioner. Her job is read through the clubs, help approve them, collect club minutes, plan club rush and help with multicultural week.
This year, club rush was on October 5th in the Upper Quad.
“I would get advertisements, and just ways to get your club’s name out there, especially Freshmen, and also you want people committed. You want to try and make sure that the people you’re having stay in the club throughout the year, not just the first month of school.” Haghani said.
Haghani said that students should prepare because “there are a lot of new clubs this year, would make sure you keep your eye out and not just go to one table, but go to multiple. And see where you feel best because getting involved in a club is very important and there are so many clubs, there is one for everyone so just do as many as you want and stay committed.”
If you think of a club that you want to start, then “there’s [an application period] for Spring Semester and next year, so keep that idea in mind. You can start filling out the application now or start writing your constitution, [and the application] stays the same,” Haghani said.
This year there are 103 clubs, six more than last year. Activities Director, Brooke Valderrama, said that “approximately 60 are returning clubs with 40 new clubs.”
“This year it may get spread out more, due to how congested it can get in the center of the Upper Quad,” said Valderrama. Clubs were assigned tables rather than picking because of how many clubs SJHHS has this year.
ASB tried to “have the clubs put up a trifold board that advertises their club,” Valderrama said, so that way, students can see the different clubs easier.
Valderrama said her favorite part of Club Rush is “that as soon as all the kids come out they are so passionate about their clubs with the way they decorate their tables and put up information. It’s cool to see how it comes alive when the Presidents and Vice Presidents come out and set up their tables.” Also, Valderrama said that the “younger kids realize this isn’t middle school and there’s actually real clubs because we are allowed to have a lot of [freedom] in the kind of clubs we allow.” Finally, Valderrama’s advice for students consider is “to go to clubs that interest you, and not just to go to a club because they have free pizza or free cookies.”
“I think that as a school we want kids to be able to find their niche at San Juan Hills, whether that be Athletics, Performing Arts, Newspaper, ASB, Yearbook, so that they feel they have a place here at San Juan and I think that one our best ways to do that is through clubs whether they join a club or start one. I think its a huge avenue for kids to try and find their place at San Juan Hills,” Valderrama said.
President of the Share-A-Smile club, Taytum Tercenio, is in her second year of being a part of club rush. “I hope to attract more Freshmen and Sophomores to carry the club when I’m gone because I’m a Senior and I really want people to sign up and be very active and interested in the cause,” Tercenio said.
Because it is her second year doing club rush, she has some aspects she is planning to change this year. “I won’t overload them with so much information, I want it to be short and concise so they can explore other clubs as well, but still be interested in mine,” Tercenio said.
Overall, Tercenio loves club rush because it gives her a chance to reach out to other students.“I get to talk to new people and I always love meeting others. I’m very optimistic and extroverted. This is the way I can spread my cause!” said Terenio.