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  • CUSD Career Fair on March 24th From 5-7 p.m. at SJHHS.
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The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

Hair dye isn’t just about changing your appearance, but about continuing your self-journies and embracing your personal transformation. Each bottle represents a different color, signifying new chapters and hair psychlogy, which is a bold step toward discovering who you truly are.

Dyeing For a Change: An Inner Rebirth

Kaiah MacLeod, Staff Writer November 15, 2024

Through every trim and tinge, hair is often one of the first features we notice about a person. From the way we style it, to the colors we dye it, hair plays a big part in how we perceive ourselves and...

Over the years, straight hair has become the universal beauty standard. This societal superiority of straight hair places unnecessary pressure on people with naturally curly hair. It is time that all hair types, whether pin-straight or tightly coiled, are loved the same.

Curly Hair Should be Embraced, Not Obscured

Domenica Peloso, Opinion Editor November 15, 2024

For some people, hair is merely an afterthought. For others, hair forces them to constantly ask themselves: Am I going to feel confident today?  It’s no secret that straight hair has been the beauty...

KICKING IN: Photo depicts the variety of energy drinks a person may consume. The drinks come in multiple flavors and colors peeking one’s interest, making it desirable. Students often rely on these drinks to help them through the day in order to stay on task and focus at school. Photo by Sydney Hogancamp

Staying Alert on the Caffeine Crisis

Caden Mai, Staff Writer November 4, 2024

According to the National Institutes of Health, about 63% of children ages two to five consume caffeine and 76% of teenagers drink caffeine.  Caffeine is a natural stimulant often found in coffee beans...

Supervisor, Ms. Kim holds the flag with pride.

What it Means to Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

Victoria Hernandez, Staff Writer October 20, 2024

"I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Students across America...

The debate between public and private schools have been at an all time high in recent years- especially regarding high school sports. The difference in skill and unfair matchups haven't gone unseen, making people wonder: Is it unfair?

Public vs. Private: The Great Debate in High School Sports

Sydney Hogancamp, Sports Editor October 18, 2024

According to the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), 763,867 student-athletes competed in education-based athletic programs in California during the 2022-23 school year. Sports programs are...

Social Science teacher Jaime Gonzalez imagines what it might be like to show up to work and find nobody in her classroom to teach if other grade levels began participating in "senior ditch day." Photo illustration.

The Ditch Day Dilemma

Caden Mai, Staff Writer October 18, 2024

Out of 663 actively enrolled seniors at San Juan Hills High School, only 231 students attended class on Oct. 31, 2023. That’s an attendance rate of about 35%.  This occurrence of seniors abandoning...

During his shift, a Trader Joe's employee stands, proudly displaying the pumpkin spiced madeline cookies. These cookies are one of many products at Trader Joe’s that are part of the new fall season foods.

Fall Flavors Are Back: What to Try at Trader Joe’s This Season

Mylan West, Staff Writer October 7, 2024

With autumn quickly arriving, Trader Joe's embraces the season with an exclusive collection of flavors and items for fall. Their shelves are filled with seasonal delights from pumpkin, maple treats to...

With the rise of Generation Alpha, attitudes towards authority figures have drastically changed. Because defying rules is the new “cool,” teachers and parents have found it increasingly difficult to command these unreasonable adolescents.

Generational Defiance: An Issue With Our Youth

Iman Elkoustaf, Staff Writer October 7, 2024

In recent years, there has been an intense shift in the feelings of respect towards authority figures. Within the younger generations, specifically ages ranging from ten to fifteen, respect and consideration...

It’s practically tradition at San Juan Hills to go to In-N-Out after a football game. However, this tradition has recently gotten out of hand for local In-N-Out employees. With students leaving shocking messes and overcrowding the establishment, In-N-Out has become a breeding ground for chaos.

Overcrowding at In-n-Out: The Disrespect Has Gone Too Far

Chloe Porchia, Staff Writer October 7, 2024

Hungry and shouting crowds of teenagers swarm in front of the Sendero Pkwy In-N-Out. Many complain it is mob-like and disrespectful and criticize their reckless behavior.  According to several students,...

Racial injustice continues to be a pervasive issue in society, affecting countless lives and communities. Despite progress, systematic racism remains evident in many aspects of life, including in the criminal justice system. It is crucial to acknowledge these disparities and work towards meaningful change to ensure equality for all. The Marcellus Williams case is an example of the continuous fight for justice.

Marcellus Williams: A Symbol of the Ongoing Injustice in the Justice System

Gabriella Bello and Elliott Ruvalcaba October 4, 2024

“A caring and loving father” are the words Marcellus Williams’ attorneys used to describe him. On September 24, the life of this 55-year-old father was cut short due to failures in the court system...

 Social Media and screen time has affected Gen Alpha. The time they spend on social media has popularized a new form of slang called “brain rot.” This new trendy vernacular features words such as “rizz” and “skibidi toilet.”

Gen Alpha Infected with Brainrot

Caden Mai, Staff Writer September 23, 2024

Skibidi toilet? Livvy Dunne? Baby Gronk? Mewing? Ohio? What the sigma? Can you understand all of that? If so, you’re probably a part of the Class of 2028.  In recent years, a new sense of humor known...

Included in the NSHSS invitation packet is the infamous "Proud Parent of a Scholar" bumper sticker. This is just another element that adds to the organization's illusion of prestige and exclusivity.

Is NSHSS a Scam?

Domenica Peloso, Opinion Editor September 21, 2024

“Be honored. Be more.”  Founded in 2002, this is the slogan of the infamous National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS). This organization of over two million members promises to provide high-achieving...

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