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  • Resume 101 Workshop in College & Career Center on Feb. 25th.
  • Stallion Showcase on Saturday, Feb. 8: Learn about SJHHS's Classes and Programs.
  • Purchase Valentine's Grams in Upper Quad by ASB Store.
  • Invent 2 Prevent: New Program Looses Funding Following Trump's Dismantling of the Department of Education.
The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

The story of San Juan as told by its students

The Express

Students all with the name Alexa – Alexa Rodriguez, Alexa Jones, and Alexa Wolf, gather for a portrait outside E14. All of them have experienced strange interactions because of the advent of Amazon’s “Alexa” device. They are not alone. Other SJHHS students with the name are Alexa Delgado, Alexa Smolinki, and Alexa Leitneer. Photo by Cadence Henss

Hey Alexa, Tell Me Your Story

Cadence Henss, Story Writer October 4, 2024

  Last year only 698 baby girls were named Alexa in the US.  A once popular name has drastically dropped in popularity rankings all because of household devices. Amazon's Alexa was invented...

 Bodie, the school service dog, takes a well deserved rest in the office. He is a new and friendly addition to the SJHHS campus and is available to help any student in need.

Bodie: A Student’s Furry Friend

Sophia Roldan, Staff Writer September 23, 2024
A new furry friend, Bodie the dog, made his way onto campus at the beginning of the school year. Bodie, known as the “school dog,” is a hypoallergenic dog, who is here at SJHHS to act as a therapeutic outlet for many students. Assistant principal, Amanda Bratcher, is the owner and caretaker of Bodie on...
The San Juan Capistrano Youth Advisory Board comes together for Earth Day. San Juan Capistrano has made great efforts to protect the planet, implementing plastic bag recycling and compost programs in the past and present.

Protecting the Planet: Great Opportunities and YAB Unite for Earth Day

Mylan West, Staff Writer March 26, 2024

As Earth Day approaches, Great Opportunities make waves in the lives of young people by instilling a sense of environmental responsibility.  With more than 3000 participants, their program teaches...

 Tatum Bolton (12) performs the principal role of Indian temple dancer Nikiya in San Clemente Dance’s production of the ballet, La Bayadère, during her sophomore year. The ballet centers around the tragic love story of Nikiya and warrior Solor in ancient India.

On Pointe: Tatum Bolton Named Semifinalist for OC Artist of the Year

Lucy Garibaldi, Staff Writer March 22, 2024

Senior Tatum Bolton has been selected as a semifinalist for the 2024 Orange County Artist of the Year, affiliated through the Orange County Register, placing her in the runnings for 2024 Orange County...

The Human Rights Force presents Lambert Lo as their guest speaker. Lo is part of a project that dignifies unhoused people by having upscale dinner gatherings known as King's Table. The most basic human right that Lo exemplified was the right to have food.

No Place For Hate’s Road to Unity Week

Rowan Noonan, Staff Writer March 13, 2024

Every year at SJHHS the No Place For Hate (NPFH) task force prepares lunch seminars to educate students on issues seen commonly around campus. With guidance from teachers Fernanda Aguilar and Lorena...

CTE courses are a way for students to become engaged in their passions and desires for future careers. The College and Career center in the library offers lots of guidance for these pathways.

Building Careers In And After School

Sofia Bello, Photo Editor February 11, 2024

CTE classes provide students valuable hands-on experience in various fields like technology, healthcare, design, and more, which can help prepare them for future careers they are interested in.  CCA...

Proudly holding her YouTube play button, junior Alyssa Darland displays the physical symbol of all her hard work. Darland recieved her play button in 2022 for surpassing 100,000 subscribers.

YouTube Sensation: Alyssa Darland

Domenica Peloso, Opinion Editor January 26, 2024

From dense forests and Great Lakes to beach days and scolding weather, Minnesota and California couldn’t be more different. For most teens, moving 2,094 miles away from your hometown is a daunting prospect....

Sophomore Gwyneth Lyon was adopted in China at a year old. She has been living in San Clemente since then, with her mom, dad, and two brothers.

Creating Forever Bonds: One Adoption at a Time

Sydney Hogancamp, Feature Editor January 26, 2024

Every child deserves to grow up in a safe and loving home, and more than 100,000 children in foster care wait for a family of their own.  The process of adoption can be extensive, emotional, and often...

Students Kaitlyn Becerra (12), Reyhan Girgin (12) and Ellie McQuarrie (12) volunteer at the Mission Viejo Walk Against Drugs in October. The 35th annual walk began at 8 a.m. with a rally led by keynote speaker, singer-songwriter Karly Moreno at Mission Viejo High School.

Criminal Psychology Serving The Community

Celeste Cariker, Co Editor-in-Chief December 18, 2023

Among over a dozen Career Technical Education (CTE) courses offered at SJHHS, is Criminal Psychology.  Criminal Psychology’s coursework focuses on how psychology and legality intertwine, as well...

Rounding up plastic bottles, Ryan Hickman stays after school to clean up the campus of SJH. He owns his self-made business: Ryan’s Recycling Company to which he brings these mass collections.

Prophet of Plastic Seeks Sustainable Future

Kaiah MacLeod, Staff Writer December 18, 2023

At only three and a half years old, Ryan Hickman began foraging his passion for recycling; the key to saving our environment. From planning mass beach clean-ups to doing small ones on the weekends with...

Brief History: Mission Basilica, the seventh of 21 California Mission, that is located in San Juan Capistrano. Containing history of Acjachemen, Spanish, and Mexican heritage. Across from the Mission is the Los Rios District, a tourist attraction for being the oldest neighborhood in California.

The Story Behind San Juan Monuments

Caoimhin Grothe-Brinton, Staff Writer December 15, 2023

San Juan Capistrano is home to around 34,000 people. Generations of swallows, landmarks, and missionaries tell stories of this city's history.  Mission Basilica is a historic landmark and exhibit of...

American Rookie: New Lifestyle, New Adjustments

American Rookie: New Lifestyle, New Adjustments

Gabriella Bello, A&E Editor December 15, 2023

Moving to a new school or a different state can be hard, especially having to adjust to a new environment. These challenges are made even greater when moving to an entirely new country. Immigrant and...

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