Cambria Graff was recognized for her direction of theater productions, ranging from serious dramas to comedic musicals. The diverse program puts on multiple productions each...
For students looking to support a local brand, the hoodie company Pippy is becoming the new go-to brand.
SJHHS student Piper Gentry (12) is the young mastermind behind...
Tattoos are more than just a simple decoration–they allow people to transform their bodies into canvases for storytelling and self-expression.
It’s quite common for...
Aspiring animators like SJHHS student, Libby Tracy-Council, are working diligently to master the craft and develop the ability to immerse views in worlds of fantasy and tell...
STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), whether in the form of marine biology, building cars, robotics, or any of the other unique careers, has become an...
Southern California residents are privileged to be surrounded by natural beauty. From beach trails to mountain treks, California is one of the few states that offers almost...
After-school Career Technological Education classes such as Paramedics Course and Fire Science, kickstart student's future careers. These courses allow aspiring first responders...
“The show with hot questions and even hotter wings.”
“Hot Ones,” presented by First We Feast, has grown into a well-known talk show, challenging celebrities to...
Approximately 13% of youth live with a serious mental health condition, and only about 20% get the treatment they need.
“The biggest contributor to poor mental health...
The performance, the showcase, or the final display of a dancer's work sometimes conceals the late nights and rigorous training they endure to master their art form.